Tuesday, March 3, 2009

OH SHIT POLAR BEARS FUCK!!!!!!!! Or, Basically What We're Gonna Do is Dance.

Science is so great. And so sad. :( :( :( :9

ALSO. BUSH MEAT. What is it? Eating monkeys, apparently. (OR GEORGE BUSH'S PENIS?!!????? Shit.)

In other news that is not science, today at lunch we talked a lot about Austin's weiner. Last night, we had a wild wild dance party in our underwear to Katy Perry + Avril Lavigne + High School Musical and it was SO GREAT especially the part where Taylor left for a long time because she hates fun and also the part where probably the Annex kids across from our window saw us in our underwear dance-thrusting all over the place. Unfortunately we forgot to raptor dance, which just means we will have to do it again soon.

Also. Just saying.

Sometimes, in the world, weird shit happens.

Gossip Bears in Our Underwears


  1. I've always wondered why we want to preserve incredibly vicious predator animals with an unquenchable thirst for human blood. Oh, because they're "beautiful". Well, good enough for me.

    Also, I'm going to follow your blog because this made me laugh.

  2. George Bush does not have a penis. Laura is the man in that family.
