Things We Have Learned So Far in SCIENCE:
- No more forests or prairies. :(
- Pixies are responsible for global warming, except for when it is fake and made up by Al Gore the Cannibal.
- Science is not a democracy.
- Sweaters are best when they have V-necks and also are orange. REALLY orange.
- 9/11 didn't change the human population size in the world (WHAT?).
- It is February. Winter is over because GLOBAL WARMING IT IS KILLING US ALL (I am qualified to make this assessment because I am from Cleveland).
- Coal. On a plate.
- The Sims is useful for science experiments.
- Don't eat zebras. It's bad for the environment and makes all the poor babies die even more than they do already.
- Impervious = NO PENETRATION.
- West Virginia kills the most babies ever. This is because of COAL.
- Probably we are all going to die.
Science is the best because we learn SO MUCH and also because we play a lot of internet Scrabble (I mean Lexulous, don't sue us plz) and learn many words that use Q with no U and also "wickapes." Also sometimes we get to look at pictures of cool animals like the BIGGEST WEASEL EVER that is the size of a greyhound and also frogs. And lizards and reptiles and bugs maybe.
DID YOU KNOW? That there's a kind of beetle with a pokey spiky penis that can spread its babymaking better because its penis is the scariest bitch that ever lived? It's true. Beetle rape is the best part of science. LOOK IT UP. Actually don't, we did it for you.
We didn't learn that in science class, though. (Otherwise it would be in our bullet-point list.)
Gossip Geckos